Page 49 - 2024 HuFriedyGroup Digital Catalog
P. 49

Manifold Systems

 Mains and branches in piping systems shall be not less   Outlet Stations
 than 1/2'' nominal size.
                                                             O2 Pipeline
 6 1/2''  MEDICAL GAS CONTROL VALVES  Option 1               Copper
 FOR USE WITH                                                1/2" O.D.  To Vac.
 Automatic Manifold System
 O 2  (PSI)
 Nitrous                                                             Pipeline
 PULL RING FOR ACCESS                                                Copper                               Control
 N 2 O                                                               1/2" O.D.                            Module
                                      N2O Pipeline Copper
 Wall Mount  Cat 6 cable to           3/8" O.D.                                                           with
 Office Alarm Panel   Zone Valve (100')  Zone Valve  Option 2  N2O O2  VAC
                   Outlet Requirements:                N2O O2   VAC
                   Each outlet station for medical
                   gas with threaded (DISS) or
                   non-interchangeable quick   Dual and Triple Micro Outlets are perfect companions
 Copper to copper joints shall be braised using   connect coupler shall be gas   for flowmeter systems that are mounted in a cabinet,
 copper-phosphorus or copper phosphorus-silver
 Cat 6 cable  brazing filler metal (B cup series) without flux with   specific and shall consist of a   like the Digital Ultra™ Flushmount Flowmeters and
 to Office   at least 1000˚ F. melting point. While being   primary and secondary valve.  the Ultra PC™ % Cabinet Mount Flowmeters. The
 Alarm Panel   brazed, joints shall be continually purged with   Micros can rest on a shelf or the floor of a base
 (100')  oil-free dry nitrogen. The flow of purge gas shall   cabinet and offer flexibility that is not always possible
 be maintained until the joint is cool to touch.  with a permanently mounted outlet station.
 Dental Office Area  Treatment Area
 Cylinder Storage Area (Central System Manifold Room)
           Medical Gas systems must be installed by a licensed   General Piping Requirements:
           medical gas installer (i.e. ASSE 6010) and be verified by a   Tubes, valves, fittings, outlet stations and other piping
 Cat 6 to  licensed medical gas verifier (i.e. ASSE 6030) and must be   components in medical gas systems shall have been cleaned
 Alarm Panel  installed in compliance with NFPA 99 requirements.  for oxygen service prior to installation. Piping shall be hard-

 Cat 6 to  110 volt  Cylinder Storage Room Requirements:        drawn seamless medical gas tube, type K or L (ASTM B819),
 Zone Valve  outlet within 6’                                   and bear one of the following markings: OXY, MED, OXY/
           No more than 3000 cubic feet of gas connected and in
 Optional Source Valves  storage at one time (excluding nitrogen). Cylinders should    MED. ACR/OXY or ACR/MED. Piping for non-flammable
           be stored in a locked room or cabinet.               medical gas systems shall be suitable for oxygen service.
                                                                Each length of tube shall be permanently labeled and delivered
           •  A separate regulator for each gas cylinder        plugged and capped. Fittings, valves and other devices
           •  A pressure relief valve set at 75 psi             shall be sealed and marked. The installer shall furnish
           •  A check valve down stream of each regulator       documentation certifying that all installed piping materials
 Pressure Relief Valve (N2O)  Pressure Relief Valve (O2)  •  System line pressure set at 50 psi  comply with the requirements and that the plumber has the
 N2O DISS Hose  O2 DISS Hose (3 feet)  •  When the supply system is remote, the switchover shall    appropriate medical gas license.
 (3 feet)  O2 Regulator
             be automatic
                                                                Testing Requirements:
           Flexible tubing must not go through wall(s) or partition(s)
 N2O Regulator  5’ (60”) AFF  and have a minimum burst pressure of 1000 psi. When   Piping Integrity and System Verification Final Testing include:
 Finished  nonflammable gas supply (N O-O ) cylinders are located   •  Initial Pressure Test
 Nitrous  Nitrous  Floor)  Oxygen  Oxygen  2  2
 Oxide  Oxide  inside building, they should be in a separate room or   •  Blow Down
           enclosure, and separated from the rest of the building by not   •  Piping Purge
 Cylinder Restraints
           less than one-hour fire-resistant construction. Two vents of   •  Static Pressure Test
           not less than 72 square inches in area should be included.   •  Pressure Relief Test
           One vent within 6 inches of the floor and one vent within 6   •  Cross Connection Test
           inches of the ceiling.                               •  Alarm Testing for Gas System
           Exception: When an exterior wall cannot be provided see   Refer to NFPA 99. The responsible facility authority will
 Nitrous Oxide Supply  Oxygen Supply  code for requirements. Openings between room or enclosure   review all inspection and testing prior to the use of all systems

           and interior shall be self-closing smoke and draft control,   covered by this requirement.
           having a fire protection rating of not less than one hour.

           Note: At the time of this printing, NFPA 2005, 2012, 2015, and 2018 are in use in North America.
           It is important to consult with your local municipality to confirm which codes(s) they have currently adapted.
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