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Clear Collection™ Instruments for Clear Aligners

           The Tear Drop                      The Vertical                       The Horizontal                      Orthodontic
           The Tear Drop creates a notched cutout to   The vertical produces an indentation to   The Horizontal produces an indentation to
           hold elastics anywhere within the arch. It   emphasize over-correction of rotations. It   accent individual root torque. It serves a
           serves a second purpose by holding elastics   serves a second purpose creating a rotational   second purpose by enhancing retention of
           in place as aligners are seated. Permitting   couple by placing indents on opposing facial   clear aligners or retainers by placing an indent
           easier manipulation of elastics by the patient.  and lingual sides. Enhance resolution of   into a tooth's undercut. Enhance the contact
           678-800                            in-and-out discrepancies by placing an    of the aligner and attachment by placing an
                                              indent to provide a mild nudge.    indent below a bonded attachment.
                                              678-801                            678-802

           The Tear Drop is positioned at an angle to the   Impress an indentation with The Vertical   Accent individual root torque by producing
           force that will be applied to the clear aligner   along the mesial or distal line angle of a   an indent at the gingival margin on either
           by the elastics and the depth of the reservoir   tooth to enhance rotational control.   the buccal or lingual for any tooth in the
           cut can be adjusted to need.                                          arch form.

           The Tear Drop elastic hooks can be used in                            Increase clear aligner or retainer retentive-
           tandem with bonded attachments to direct                              ness by producing a horizontal indent into
           eruption of teeth into aligners.                                      the undercut of specific teeth or just under
                                                                                 an attachment. 

           The Tear Drop elastic hook can be used to
           hook-up elastics of all types from Class II,
           Class III, Delta, Class I intraarch, for connection
           to TADS, and to produce extrusive forces for
           specific teeth.
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