Page 14 - 2024 HuFriedyGroup Digital Catalog
P. 14

Clear Collection™ Instruments for Clear Aligners

                                   6 mm                                                                 4.5 mm

           The Hole Punch                     The Spot                           The Petite Punch
           The Hole Punch is used to create half-moon   The Spot creates a tiny, rounded dimple for   The Petite Punch cuts a 4.5mm half-moon cutout
           cutouts for relief of clear aligners around   spot contacts to accent small individual tooth   in an aligner for relief of the plastic around
           bonded buttons used for elastics. In addition,   movements or added aligner retention. It is   bonded buttons used for elastics. When only a
           the Hole Punch can nip away plastic to provide   used to accent movements on any tooth that   small cut-out is required to provide clearance
           soft tissue clearance to prevent aligner   just needs a slight “nudge”. The Spot’s small   for buttons or hooks on the buccal but also on
           impingement of tissue.             depression placed adjacent to the gingival   the lingual of any tooth in the aligner, especially
           678-803                            embrasures can enhance the retentiveness   for smaller teeth. The Petite Punch can nip
                                              of an aligner or retainer.         away plastic to provide soft tissue clearance
                                              678-804                            to prevent aligner impingement of tissue.

           The Hole Punch can relieve marginal plastic   The Spot creates a tiny rounded dimple for   The Petite Punch cuts a 4.5mm half-moon
           impingement or irritation of soft tissue    spot contacts to accent small individual   cutout in an aligner for relief of the plastic
           anywhere along the aligners such as the   tooth movements.            around bonded buttons used for elastics.
           incisive papilla.

           The Hole Punch is positioned at the gingival   The Spot’s small depression placed adjacent   The Petite Punch can be used to nip away plastic
           margin with one-half of the 6mm “circle” of   to the gingival embrasures can enhance the   at the edge of aligners to provide relief from soft
           the punch over the plastic of the aligner.  retentiveness of an aligner or retainer.  tissue impingement or irritation.

           The half moon cutout can be placed on any
           tooth where bonded buttons or brackets are
           added for elastics or other biomechanics.

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